immigration status

This forum deals with all aspects of immigration to Canada, landed immigrant status, work permits, etc.

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immigration status

Post by bigcityblue »

Hi There,

I really don't know where to begin with all this. I am Canadian. My wife is American and our baby was born in America. And I'm moving back to Canada.

Eventually, i would like my wife and baby to become Canadian.

What do I need to do? Where do I begin?
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Post by nelsona »

Your baby IS Cdn, by the fact that you are its Cdn parent.

Eventually, you will want to get their Cdn citizenship card, but this is merely a formality. Whether or not you get the card changes nothing: Your child has dual US/Cdn citizenship the moment it took its first breath.

The CIC site has all the forms you need to get their card. It takes several months, so wait until you move back. You don't need the card to move back. Concentrate on your wife's status for now.

You can and should get a US passport for the child now. This will allow for more easy travel, as it would take a year or so to get a Cdn passport for the baby, because you first need the cit card before applying.
nelsona non grata. Non pro. Please Search previous posts, no situation is unique as you might think. Happy Browsing :D
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