Schedule 3 - reporting acquisition date of stock purchased on more than one occasion but sold all at once

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Schedule 3 - reporting acquisition date of stock purchased on more than one occasion but sold all at once

Post by MsTunnelCoin762 »

Hi all, a simple question I think, but one I have not found an answer to (maybe that alone answers my question):

If I bought shares of XYZ Corp. on multiple occasions (e.g. some in 2019, some in 2020, some in 2021 and some in 2022), but sold the entire holdings on one occasion in 2022, do I report in effect a separate sale corresponding to each acquisition date, or simply use the first date of acquisition when reporting? My software prompts me for a date of acquisition, and I did not want to misstate anything out of desire to enter the information as quickly as possible, my best guess if that CRA wants to ascertain if this is being done as a business, i.e. looking at the frequency of buy/sells and time frame of holdings (in my case, I am simplifying my holdings to save me the headaches of keeping track of them all, and there were a lot (29 or so) sales transactions in the year).

Related question just occurred to me, if each acquisition requires a separate entry upon disposition, if some shares were acquired via DRIP, is each DRIP date also a separate reportable transaction upon disposition?

Thanks for any information/insight provided!
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