Canadian Naturalization certificate

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Canadian Naturalization certificate

Post by dhirenasha »

I m a Naturalized Canadian citizen since 2005 and in need of a Canadian Naturalization certificate. I presently live in USA on a GC.

Where and how can I get the Canadian Naturalization certificate. Please don't get confused with Citizenship card, as I already have that.

Thanks in advance....

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Post by nelsona »

Like you could have, I googled and found this:

Contact cic
nelsona non grata. Non pro. Please Search previous posts, no situation is unique as you might think. Happy Browsing :D
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Post by dhirenasha »

I had googled it so many times and obviously could not found what you found.

When you click the link, at the end of page...there is something written "Certificate of citizenship". Do you mean that is the same as naturalization certificate?

If that's the case then I need to contact registrar of Canadian citizenship in NScotia.

FYI...I think you also know it that you cannot call CIC toll free number from USA. We live in a technologically challenged world anyway.

I hope this works out.....Thanks for your help....
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Post by nelsona »

If you cannot contact them, then contact the consulate for your area.

What circumstance do you need cert of naturalization if you already have your citizen certificate (other than to get a new citizenship certificate)?

The forms for that process may expalin how to get a new certificate.
nelsona non grata. Non pro. Please Search previous posts, no situation is unique as you might think. Happy Browsing :D
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Post by dhirenasha »

Life should be straight forward, but it is not....

I must have called the consulate/embassy in Minneapolis as well as Washington DC, and they have no clue what is a naturalization certificate. Everyone gets confused with the citizenship card, which I already have. Therefore they cannot help me out. Obviously CIC is out of reach from USA.

Why do I need it....I m surrendering my non-Canadian passport (which I should have done in 2005 when I acquired my Canadian citizenship). They are asking me for Canadian Naturalization certificate. They don't want citizenship card, as the Citizenship card does not have date of naturalization on them.

I never had a naturalization certificate before.....

What a mess....
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Post by nelsona »

You would have had such a certificate when you applied for your citizenship card. I believe that whwn you apply for a citizenship card, that other certificate is kept. Thus you can never get another naturalization certifate.

It has changed over the years, but there is a 'dimploma-like' certificate that is issued to you on the day you naturalized. This is most likley what you sent to get the card.

You wil just have to tell the old country that that's all you have.... If the yrefuse to accept it, too bad for them.
nelsona non grata. Non pro. Please Search previous posts, no situation is unique as you might think. Happy Browsing :D
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Post by dhirenasha »

Your are right....Started digging through piles of paper work from 2005 which was given to me in 2005. It's called Citizenship certificate with a certificate number and date the citizenship was conferred...Found last.

Weather man says the long weekend is going to be nice now....thanks for your help....
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Post by ValerieBrown »

Copes of United States Naturalization Certificates can be obtained by completing a N-565 form and filing it with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. A filing fee of $380 applies to all applications for replacement Naturalization Certificates.

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Post by JGCA »

She needs a Canadian one not a US one!
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