How can I apply for TN in office management or HR field?

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Post by nelsona »

Doubtful. HR is not one of the TN professions, so you may need to get creative.

Your best bet would be management consultant (MC), which is ALWAYS scrutinized at the border.

Problem with MC is that you don't do any work: you are a consultant, and most firms won't hire you asa aconsultant without LOADS of experience.

Plus. in your case you MUST have either a bach degree or 5 years experience in HR.

You may have to settle for an H1 (and begin work in October). Without a bachelors degree though.

Looks bad for you, in my opinion.

You might want a breif consult with a TN-savvy lawyer who may know a trick or 2.
nelsona non grata. Non pro. Please Search previous posts, no situation is unique as you might think. Happy Browsing :D
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