Moving to US - TN vs GC

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Moving to US - TN vs GC

Post by musclemaiden »

I am a Cdn citizen and have been working in the US for the past 5 yrs on a TN status. I will be moving to the US, but want to know exactly what is involved. I've heard that on a TN a packing list of my items and getting my car approved and registered is all that is required. I've asked my company to sponsor me for a green card. My question is this - can I still move to the US while the paperwork for the GC is being worked on or do I have to reside in Canada until it's completed? If I did move to the States on just my TN alone, (which is allowed right?), what are my other options for obtaining permanent residency status? Does residing with a friend count towards pr status? If I had to wait for the GC - what timeframe am I looking at before obtaining it?
Thank you!
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Post by nelsona »

Living in US temporarily on TN, is not the same as living there permanently with a GC.

You need to have a US sponsor (spouse or employer) to get your GC. Most TNers get their current employer to sponsor them. The process right now is taking 4-5 years.
nelsona non grata. Non pro. Please Search previous posts, no situation is unique as you might think. Happy Browsing :D
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Post by diane1 »

I would say that the majority of people who have TN status do live in the US. The process of obtaining a green card is fairly complex and is well articulated in several places on the internet. The most direct source of information is the BCIS website. I would suggest you read that first and then ask questions specific to your particular situation. Living in the US in temporary status does not affect your eligibility for permanent residence one way or another. Green card processing time can be anywhere from 1-2 years (with PERM, premium processing, concurrent filing and EB1 or EB2) to 4-5 years.
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