TN visa as a Graphic Designer

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TN visa as a Graphic Designer

Post by mgm »


I have checked all the info available on this forum and others, but I cannot find an answer to my particular situation.

I am a Canadian citizen and I have a job offer for a permanent position (at least 2 years contract) as a Graphic Designer in the US. The employer is willing to fill in all the necessary paper work, with job title and description (I will be working in the publishing industry, the company publishes books and video content on DVDs). I have been working as a Graphic Designer for the past 5 years (doing templates for marketing videos and graphic for video and web based content).

The only thing that I am not sure about is the proof for my education degree.
I have a Bachelor Degree in Communication Studies with a major in Journalism (until 5 years ago, I was working as a TV journalist in Europe). On my academic transcripts it is stated that I took classes on "Newspaper design", "Photojournalism" and "Presentation techniques for audio-video programs".

Some people are saying that you need a diploma with at least 3 years studies in Graphic design, but some are saying that the proof they're looking for is just a diploma and, of course, experience in the field.

According to the NAFTA info, the applicant must submit proof of the minimum education requirements or has the alternative credentials - it is stated "Graphic Designer Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree; or PostSecondary Diploma or PostSecondary Certificate, and three years experience". But there is no mention that the diploma must be in Graphic Design. (

Thank you very much for your time, I look forward to finding an answer to my question.

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Post by nelsona »

Yes, the degree or diploma must be in a related field.

Logically, the requirement doesn't say "three years experience in the field" either, but obviously the experience must be related.

Sometimes, if your courseload is HEAVILY related to the TN category you are petitioning, the officer will let you in. The problem with that is that next time you go to renew, you could jus tas easily be denied.

I would try (you have nothing to lose), but be prepared to have to file an H1-B on April 1st to start work in October.
nelsona non grata. Non pro. Please Search previous posts, no situation is unique as you might think. Happy Browsing :D
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Post by mgm »

Thank you, nelsona.
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Weeds: Good Series!!

Post by merrytess »

It must be the best show for me to choose [url= ... oxset.html]Weeds DVD[/url] as the way to enjoy. It is so great, so excellent. It's in that self reflective nature that the show brings in a wholly unexpected emotional level. The finale here is not necessarily shocking in terms of plot, [url= ... oxset.html]Curb Your Enthusiasm DVD[/url] but shocking for what Nancy does emotionally, when you see it, you will never think she had it in her. Season Six of Weeds is decidedly different in almost every aspect, but it also brings all of the shows past seasons into a greater light. [url= ... oxset.html]The L Word DVD[/url] Since we finally get to really see what is going on under the surface with Nancy, Andy, Silas, Shane and yes, even Doug, we begin to understand their past (before the show started), their actions during the series and then how they react during Season Six. [url= ... oxset.html]Medium DVD[/url] Justin Kirk really takes the front seat as a father figure and leader, being the emotional ground for which the family stands. [url= ... oxset.html]The Good Wife DVD[/url] Hunter Parrish as Silas gives a haunting, aching performance showing how he is really questioning his role in the family and what he truly wants in life.
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