Working for U.S. Company While Canadian Resident

This forum deals with all aspects of immigration to Canada, landed immigrant status, work permits, etc.

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Working for U.S. Company While Canadian Resident

Post by cbotsko »

My wife has taken a job in Canada. She will enter as a temporary foreign worker and once in Canada we will apply for permanent residence status. I am eligible for a spousal work permit. I am currently employed by a U.S. non-profit organization that has no Canadian or other foreign employees. I would like to stay in my current job and expect that they will be open to keeping me. However, I want to be able to explain to them what they need to do in order to do that in order to make this as easy as possible for them and thus reinforce their desire to keep me.

If I wanted to stay employed with them as a regular employee would they have to do something vis-à-vis the Canadian government in order to become an employer of a Canadian resident? If they are required to do the latter, they may prefer to hire me as a consultant is there anything special they have to do then? Are there any implications of my employment status in regard to becoming a permanent resident and ultimately a Canadian/dual citizen? This may be a question for the tax forum but how would they handle tax withholding if I stay an employee? If I become a consultant?

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Post by accountingweb »

Similar issue here. Any replies ?
Accounting WEB
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