If a former resident of Canada lived in US for more than 5 years and is returning back then there is a relief on duties for many personal belongings (no duties on <$10K items). Does anyone know how a customs officer will find out about these 5 years? Should some proof be provided and what kind of proof it could be?
Thank you.
duty for returning resident
Moderator: Ron Liberman
You need to file a form, and sign it. Don't lie. So mi\uch is excluded anyways that iwould not worry. besides, it not a five year rerquirement for personal items, its more like 6-12 months.
Read over the forms on the CBSA site.
Read over the forms on the CBSA site.
nelsona non grata. Non pro. Please Search previous posts, no situation is unique as you might think. Happy Browsing
No duty, but maybe HST
Maybe no duties, but however, I believe you may still be liable for HST on the market value of certain items...(ex. vehicles, RV's, etc if you want to license them in Canada).
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