Where to surrender Canadian Permanent Residence Card?

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Where to surrender Canadian Permanent Residence Card?

Post by andcormon »

Hello, we are residing in the US. I am a Canadian citizen; my husband has a Canadian Permanent Residence Card.

We both now have our Green Cards. On a recent visit to Canada, my husband was advised to surrender his Canadian PR card to the consulate. My husband contacted them, but the information provided was not clear. They sent him "Travel documents to Canada" to complete.

He just wants to surrender his Canadian PR card. Can anyone suggest what to do?

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Post by nelsona »

He was aadvised by whom to surrender his Cdn card.

If it was a US border officer, he has no business telling him that.

His Cdn PR status is still valid until he has been out of Canada for 3 years; there is nothing detrimental in keeping this card.

If he had his GC and then subsequently moved to Canada and got Cdn PR, that might be a problem, but as you describe, living in US, there is nothing wrong with having the Cdn OPR card, especially since it was obtained befgore he got GC.

You may want to move back to Canada for some uinforeseen reason; why make it more difficult for nothing.
nelsona non grata. Non pro. Please Search previous posts, no situation is unique as you might think. Happy Browsing :D
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