criminal inadmissibility

This forum deals with all aspects of immigration to Canada, landed immigrant status, work permits, etc.

Moderator: Ron Liberman

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Joined: Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:46 pm

criminal inadmissibility

Post by someday »

I am a US citizen who is applying for permanent residence in Canada. I have been deemed criminally inadmissible to Canada and am working on my application for rehabilitation. Can I still enter Canada as a visitor (i.e. for a one week holiday)? Also, is it possible for someone who to work in Canada under NAFTA or with a job offer if they have been deemed inadmissible? Any info would be greatly appreciated!
Ron Liberman
Posts: 773
Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:23 pm

Post by Ron Liberman »


Thanks for being so straightforward about your situation.

Unfortunately the answer to both your questions is "no"

Until you have been rehabilitated, you are not eligible under the Immigration Act to enter Canada as a visitor even for a short period, or for a work permit.

I have heard of cases where a sympathetic person at the border allowed temporary admisison for a short time to a visitor on Humanitarian and Compassionate grounds, and technicallly an Immigration Officer has the discretion to do this if they believe there are genuine H&C grounds, but don't count on this hapenning, for one thing it appears to be against Immigration's current policy.
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