Medicare FTC Limit
Moderator: Mark T Serbinski CA CPA
Medicare FTC Limit
Hey just had my taxes reviewed CRA, capped Medicare and would allow me to deduct Medicare surcharges anyone seen this before
Re: Medicare FTC Limit
That is NOT allow me to deduct the surcharges
Re: Medicare FTC Limit
I little more detail?
What Medicare was "capped", and what surcharges were limited on FTC. And are you living in US or Canada?
What Medicare was "capped", and what surcharges were limited on FTC. And are you living in US or Canada?
nelsona non grata. Non pro. Please Search previous posts, no situation is unique as you might think. Happy Browsing
Re: Medicare FTC Limit
I live in Canada and work in the USA
CRA accepted base Medicare tax, which is 1.45% of all wages
CRA did not accept Medicare surtax, which 0.9% of wages about 250K for married filling joint.
Both taxes are combined in W2 box 6, but CRA split out and base and surcharge and did not accept the surcharge.
CRA accepted base Medicare tax, which is 1.45% of all wages
CRA did not accept Medicare surtax, which 0.9% of wages about 250K for married filling joint.
Both taxes are combined in W2 box 6, but CRA split out and base and surcharge and did not accept the surcharge.
Re: Medicare FTC Limit
Since you're in Canada working in the U.S., have you checked if any tax treaties apply? They might help with the surcharge issue!
Re: Medicare FTC Limit
For the review, did you submit IRS Form 8959? This would clearly show where that extra Medicare Tax is coming from.
nelsona non grata. Non pro. Please Search previous posts, no situation is unique as you might think. Happy Browsing
Re: Medicare FTC Limit
Is it possible, since this extra Medicare Tax is added to your other taxes (thru Schedule2 and then to line 23 on your 1040), that it was already included in your total tax amount 1040 line 24) that you used for your FTC calculation?
nelsona non grata. Non pro. Please Search previous posts, no situation is unique as you might think. Happy Browsing