First time filing income tax return in the US

This is our main tax information forum which deals with topics concerning Canadians living and working in the U.S., U.S. citizens contemplating working in Canada, and all aspects of Canadian and U.S. income tax and related adminstrative issues.

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First time filing income tax return in the US

Post by too_light »

I came from Canada in January 2022, and I will file my income tax return for the first time in the US. However, I had to sell a property in Canada as a non-resident, and I will need to file a tax return in Canada. My questions are:
1 - Does it make a difference if I file tax first in Canada or in the US?
2 - How do I take advantage of the double taxation treaty so as not to be double taxed if I first file tax in one country or the other?
3 - I left Canada on 18-Jan-2022. Before leaving, I had a certificate of disability from CRA. Can I still claim the disability tax credit in Canada for my 2022 tax return because of the time I spent in Canada in 2022?
4 - I sold my house in Canada at loss. Is there any amount limit to claim the loss?
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